


Dec 2023: AAMAS paper on polarization in social networks accepted.
Aug 2023: Received a BSF grant with Roie Zivan to work on explainable DCOPs!
Jul 2023: ECAI papers on explainable scheduling and personalized explanations accepted.
Jul 2023: Received an NSF training grant for AI and environmental social science! Read more about it in this WashU news article.
May 2023: Served as a program co-chair of AAMAS 2023. Submit your autonomous agent and multiagent papers!
Apr 2023: IJCAI paper on multi-objective search accepted.
Mar 2023: Received an NSF grant to work on fair and explainable scheduling! Read more about it in this WashU news article.
Feb 2023: ICAPS paper on fairness in ridesharing accepted.


Nov 2022: Received a J.P. Morgan Chase faculty research award to work on goal recognition and explainable AI! Read more about it in this WashU news article.
Nov 2022: Awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award by Emerson! Read more about it in this WashU news article.
Oct 2022: AIJ paper on simple and efficient bi-objective search accepted.
Sep 2022: JAIR paper on communication-aware DCOPs accepted.
Aug 2022: Khoi Hoang successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and will be joining the Google as a software engineer. Congratulations Khoi!
Jun 2022: Served as a program co-chair of ICAPS 2022. Submit your planning and scheduling papers!
May 2022: JAIR paper on proactive dynamic DCOPs accepted.
Apr 2022: JAIR paper on logic-based framework for explainable planning accepted.
Feb 2022: ICAPS paper on visualization systems for explainable planning accepted.


Dec 2021: ICAPS paper on visualization systems for explainable planning accepted.
Jul 2021: Athena Tabakhi successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation and will be joining WashU’s CSE department as a lecturer. Congratulations Athena!
Jul 2021: CP paper on latency-aware DCOPs accepted.
Apr 2021: Christabel Wayllace successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation and will be joining Matt Taylor’s group as a postdoc. Congratulations Chris!
Feb 2021: Elected as a AAAI senior member! Read more about it in this WashU news article.
Feb 2021: JELIA paper on explainability through model reconciliation using logic programming accepted.


Dec 2020: AAAI paper on explainability through model reconciliation using hitting sets accepted.
Dec 2020: AAMAS paper on latency-aware DCOPs accepted.
Jun 2020: IROS paper on preference elicitation with robots accepted.
Feb 2020: Gave a tutorial on multi-agent distributed constrained optimization at AAAI 2020. Slides available here.
Jan 2020: ICAPS papers on bi-objective search and traffic signal control accepted.
Jan 2020: AAMAS paper on continuous DCOPs accepted.
Jan 2020: ECAI paper on partially-observable stochastic GRD (with Harry Potter examples!) accepted.


Oct 2019: AAAI demo paper on goal recognition of airplanes at airports accepted.
Aug 2019: Received a BSF grant with Roie Zivan to work on communication sensitive DCOPs!
Jul 2019: Gave a tutorial on goal recognition design at ICAPS 2019. Slides available here.
Mar 2019: JAIR article on Distributed Gibbs for DCOPs accepted.
Jan 2019: Received a Boeing grant with Alvitta Ottley to work on goal recognition!
Jan 2019: AAMAS paper on preference elicitation for weighted CSPs accepted.


Aug 2018: Received an NSF grant to work on smart home automation! Read more about it in this WashU news article.
Jul 2018: Honored to be invited to give an early career spotlight presentation at IJCAI-ECAI 2018. Paper accompanying the presentation here.
Jun 2018: CP paper on a new DCOP algorithm based on large neighborhood search accepted.
May 2018: UAI paper on decentralized allocation and planning accepted.
Apr 2018: IJCAI paper on periodic double auctions accepted.
Apr 2018: JAIR survey article on DCOP models and algorithms accepted.
Feb 2018: Gave a tutorial on multi-agent distributed constrained optimization at AAAI 2018. Slides available here.
Jan 2018: AAMAS papers on preference elicitation and node-to-agent mapping for DCOPs accepted.


Jul 2017: Joined Washington University in St. Louis as an assistant professor in computer science and engineering.
Jun 2017: CP paper on preference elicitation for DCOPs accepted.
May 2017: Co-organized the OptMAS workshop at AAMAS 2017.
Apr 2017: Received a DARPA grant to work on edge and cloud computing applications!
Apr 2017: Ping Hou successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and will be joining Uber’s Advanced Technologies Group as a software engineer. Congratulations Ping!
Apr 2017: IJCAI papers on stochastic GRD and solving MAPF with ASP accepted.
Feb 2017: Co-organized a job fair at AAAI 2017.
Jan 2017: AAMAS papers on proactive DCOPs, smart homes, and smart grids accepted.


Dec 2016: Awarded the Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award in Mentoring by the CS Graduate Student Organization, NMSU.
Jun 2016: CP paper on speeding up DCOP algorithms with GPUs accepted.
May 2016: Co-organized the OptMAS workshop at AAMAS 2016.
Apr 2016: IJCAI papers on stochastic GRDs and multi-agent planning accepted.
Mar 2016: Extremely fortunate to receive an NSF CAREER award!
Jan 2016: Honored to be included in the 2015 list of AI’s 10 to Watch by IEEE Intelligent Systems! Read more about it in this NMSU news article.


Nov 2015: AAAI papers on risk-sensitive POMDPs, DCOP pre-processing algorithms, and solving GRD with ASP accepted.
Jul 2015: Received an NSF grant to work on dynamic DCOPs!
Jun 2015: CP paper on speeding up DCOP algorithms with GPUs accepted.
May 2015: Co-organized the OptMAS workshop at AAMAS 2015.
Apr 2015: Awarded the Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award in Mentoring by the CS Graduate Student Organization, NMSU.


Dec 2014: AAAI paper on solving DCOPs with ASP accepted.
May 2014: Co-organized the joint OptMAS-DCR workshop at AAMAS 2014.
May 2014: CP paper on branch consistency for DCOPs accepted.
Apr 2014: AAAI papers on uncertain MDPs, multi-agent RL, and CRC constraints accepted.
Jan 2014: ICAPS paper on risk-sensitive MDPs accepted.
Jan 2014: Received an NSF grant to work on smart grids!